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2025 Walleye Tournament Registration

2025 February 3
by BCW

Registration is now open for teams that fished in 2024. It opens to all teams on 2/10.

Keep in mind that flight priority will be given to teams based on their sign-up date. Flights will be determined in the order of applications, the first flight is full for 2025. When requesting a flight choose between 2nd and 3rd.

If you prefer a paper application text your address to Josh, 701-840-5269 or you can download from below.

BCW Predator Hunt Results

2025 February 3
by BCW

1st Place 4 Coyotes Martin Messer/Dillon Steinolfson/Conrad Nelson

2nd Place 4 Coyotes Christian Owen/Gary Will/

3rd Place 2 Coyotes Steve Kelley/Jonah Wolla/Braden Wenaas

4th Place 1 Coyote Dylan Hunt/Jake Anderson/

5th Place 1 Coyote Nick Nielsen

6th Place Brian Burbidge/Braxton Burbidge/Randy Bostrom

7th Place Nathan Rausch/Leroy Rausch/

Big Dog- 35lbs, Martin Messer/Dillon Steinolfson/Conrad Nelson

Small Dog- 24.2lbs, Steve Kelley/Jonah Wolla/Braden Wenaas

Total # of Hunters 37

Total # of Teams 18

Total # of Dogs 12

Gun Winner:

Steve Pfaff

Pullover Winner:

Christian Owen

2025 Winter Derby Results

2025 February 3
by BCW

Prizes Winners

February Newsletter

2025 February 3
by BCW

Next Meeting …Wednesday, February 12th…Eagles Club

Free burgers for paid members at 6 PM …The meeting will be at 7pm…

Welcome all renewals and new members! 

Our benefits include our club newsletter, free burgers at most meetings, and a subscription to North Dakota Outdoors Magazine.

If you have not renewed your membership yet or you would like to sign up you can download a form to send in from our website , by talking to a club officer, or stopping at L&H Shoe Shop.

Membership Drive & Landowner Appreciation Supper- The membership drive and Landowner Appreciation Supper was January 8th.  We had a great turnout. 

BCW Winter Derby- The event took place on 1/25.  We had a pretty good turnout considering the wind.  Results and winners on the following page.   

Pheasant Tail Contest – The pheasant tail contest took place before the January Meeting.  We had a tie for first place with Tim Logan and Wayne Liebersbach bringing in 25 1/4 inch tails. Third place went to Levi Robertsdahl with a 24 1/4 inch tail.

Sheyenne Valley Calling & Raffle Contest – We had a record number or teams and hunters, 24 teams made up of 50 hunters.  Results on the following page.

BCW Predator Hunt- The hunt was 2/1. There was 18 teams and 37 hunters.  Results on the following page.

Big Spenders Raffle Tickets- Tickets are available, but going fast!  Contact Perry if you would like to purchase one.  There are very few left.

Fingal Fun Night- Fingal Fun Night will be February 7th and starts at 7pm.

BCW Summer Derby- Summer Derby will be available online February 3rd at 7pm.  If you’d like a paper application text Josh your name and address 701-840-5269.

Hunter’s Ed- There will be a class starting on March 10th.  The G&F will post the class to their website around February 10th.

Fingal Fun Night

2025 February 3
by BCW

2025 January 28
by BCW

Lake Ashtabula Winter Derby

2025 January 21
by BCW

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday. 

We’d like to thank our sponsors that help make this event possible: Sodbusters, Brothers 3, Dakota Silver, Grandpa Don’s Seasonings, Scheels, Striker, and Okuma Fishing.    

Registration/ticket sales start at 9am and run until noon.  You are not allowed to drill any holes past noon without permission from a tournament official, so make sure to arrive in time to get setup before noon.  There are tickets for sale at Brothers 3 in Valley City. They will be available there until around 4 pm on Thursday.   

The fishing area is north of the bridge at Sibley.  You must setup within site of the bridge.  When setting up keep in mind that all fish must be walked to the weigh station.    The weigh station will be marked with orange cones and located straight out from the access. 

You will be able to drive out and setup.  Once you have setup please move your vehicle away from the channel area and park towards shore or spread vehicles along the flat to the east of the channel.  We have very good ice conditions, but still need to spread the weight out.

Keep an eye on Barnes County Wildlife’s Facebook page for updates. 

We will try to stay up to date on the top 3 for each category of fish and let everyone know when the rods have been handed out to the first 5 kids 12 and under that bring fish in.

Rules are on the back of the tickets and online.

2025 Summer Walleye Tournament

2025 January 20
by BCW

**January 19, 2025**
**Tournament Anglers:**
All contestants from the 2024 Barnes County Wildlife Fishing Derby will receive a one-week advance notice to enter the derby before it opens to the public. Please submit your application promptly, as the tournament is likely to fill up quickly due to higher prize money. Flight priority will be given to teams based on their sign-up date. Flights will be determined in the order of applications received unless a request for a 2nd or 3rd flight is made. A registration link for your team will be sent in another email at 7 PM on February 3rd.
The entry fee this year is $250.
The tournament headquarters will be at the Sodbusters Club in Sibley, ND. Your $250 entry fee covers the derby only. Food will be available both nights, and we need to have accurate numbers for meal preparations. On your entry form, please indicate whether you will participate in the meals for Friday and Saturday nights. Saturday’s meal will require prepayment at the time of registration. Mike Heinze will have limited primitive camping available; to make reservations, call 701-490-1344.
We are moving towards email communication and electronic registration. Online registration and payment options will be available; however, you may still pay by check and request a paper application. To request a paper application, text Josh at 701-840-5269 or email
We are no longer requiring fish to be tagged. Teams will have the option to pay an additional $20 for the weekend to have two “bonus” fish in their livewell, allowing a total of seven fish. You are still only permitted to weigh in five fish per day, and the anglers must choose which five to weigh in. After weighing in five walleyes, the team must conclude their fishing for the day. The boundary for Baldhill Creek has been extended to the Hwy 19 Bridge. More random boat inspections will be conducted this year, so please remember to review the rules on the signup form when registering.
We continue to strive for improvements in the tournament. This year’s total payout is set at $22,500, with a guaranteed $5,000 for first place. We’ve added a sponsor-funded side pot for teams not using Livescope/forward-facing sonar, as well as for mixed couples teams. Additionally, we will offer a side pot for day money again, which you will need to sign up for when registering your team. A Calcutta will be held on Friday night before the tournament. We ask all teams to purchase a fish/weigh-in bag to keep in their boat to expedite the weighing process and improve results for catch and release.
Thank you, and if you have any questions, please give me a call at 701-490-1797 or email me at
Perry Kapaun

Pheasant Tail Contest Results

2025 January 20
by BCW

We had a tie for first place with Tim Logan and Wayne Liebersbach bringing in 25 1/4 inch tails. Third place went to Levi Robertsdahl with a 24 1/4 inch tail.

2025 January 13
by BCW