May Newsletter
Next Meeting…Wednesday, May 11th at the Eagles Club
Free burgers for paid members at 6 PM…Meeting at 7 PM
If you have not renewed your membership yet or you would like to sign up you can download a form to send in from our website , by talking to a club officer, or by stopping at L&H Shoe Shop.
Our benefits include our club newsletter, free burgers at most meetings, and a subscription to North Dakota Outdoors Magazine.
Road Cleanup: Road cleanup has been postponed until next Wednesday May 4th, at 5pm. Meet at the fish hatchery.
NDWF Automobile Banquet: The Banquet was a success. Between the four $1,000 raffles and the gun boards BCWF made around $10,000.
Hunters Ed: The March class had 69 students registered with 3 withdrawing. All 66 remaining passed the class and of the 66, 25 were females.
Youth Outdoors Camps: Lure Em for Life and Prairie Waters camps are going on again this summer.
Pheasant Chicks: Perry would like everyone that is raising pheasant chicks this year to contact him soon. There have been 2,300 chicks ordered so far. The delivery date is looking like May 26th.
Spring Advisory Board: Discussion was mostly on the deer license process. There was also discussion on trapping river otters, changes in perch possession limits, and other big game concerns.
Trap Club: BCWF will be donating $2,500 to the youth trap shooting program at the trap club.
VCHS Trap Team: TJ said that there are 30 kids shooting and things are going well. There are now 23 teams in the state in 4 conferences.
VCSU Scholarships: Applications are in and we will be awarding 3 $250 scholarships.
Archery: We may have to move the location of archery again. There is an out of town company looking at the building.
Summer Derby: The derby June 11th and 12th the tournament is full.
Gaylon Hansen Youth Day: The date has been set for August 3rd this year. The event is open to kids ages 9-18.
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