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2017 BCW Ice Fishing Derby

2017 January 17
by BCW

2017 BCWF Ice Fishing Derby

We had around 240 people fishing this year.  There were 9 fish weighed in.  The ties are broke by weigh in time.

Perch                                                                 Prize                                          Weight

  1. Jessie Knutson, Moorhead                Vexilar FL12                               .58 lbs
  2. Ramona Lockwood, Sanborn            Eskimo Ice House                     .58 lbs
  3. Heidi Klein, Devils Lake                    $100                                             .58 lbs

Walleye                                                              Prize                                          Weight

  1. Jessie Knutson, Moorhead                  $300                                       3.06 lbs
  2. Heidi Klein, Devils Lake                      Vexilar Camera                     1.83 lbs
  3. Mitch Wright, Valley City                    $100                                        1.00 lbs

Northern                                                             Prize                                      Weight

  1. Cory Knutson, Valley City                    $300                                      1.86 lbs
  2. Ashley Hall, Langdon                            Eskimo Ice House               Drawing
  3. Zac Shape, Valley City $100                                                                 Drawing

Cash Drawings from Ticket

  1. Dawn Haas, Page $300
  2. Bill McClaflin, West Fargo $200
  3. Mark Hill, Valley City $100


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