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June Newsletter

2017 June 1
by BCW
Meeting…Wednesday, June 14th at the Ashtabula Crossing
Free burgers for paid members at 6 PM…Meeting at 7 PM
Hunters Ed: The next Hunter Education class will meet at Valley City State University in the Rhoades Science Center. June 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th, and 22nd. The classes are from 6 pm until 9:30 pm each night. You can register online on the Game and Fish Website or you can also sign up at the first class. For more information call Skip, 845-3211 or 490-3211 Students must be at least 11 years old. Bring a pencil and notebook to the class.
Take a Kid Fishing Day: Take a Kid Fishing Day is Saturday June 3th at Mel Rieman Recreation Area on Lake Ashtabula. If you can help that day from 9 am to Noon, contact Goose, 840-0179.
Fish Fry – Will be at Dacotah Pavilion, in Chautauqua Park at 6:30 on August 9th. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Bring your own beverage if you would like something other than pop or water.
Summer Derby – The summer derby is June 10th & 11th this year. We could use some more volunteers, if you can help out contact Perry, 490-1797.
Moon Lake: The dock is in at Moon Lake and Chad Kjelland has been working on some improvements to the swimming beach.
Fisheries Project: The boat landing project at the west crossing has been postponed until 2018.
Road Cleanup: Perry said at the May meeting that road clean up went well and we have a good amount of help again this year.
Gaylon Hansen Youth Day: The date has been set for August 2rd this year. The event is open to kids ages 9-18.
Next Meeting: September 13th at the Eagles.
Summer Youth Camps Info:
Lure Em for Life
Devils Lake
August 6-10
Ages 8-13
Fishin Around
VCSU Prairie Waters
June 26-28
Ages Entering 7 & 8 grades
Splashin Around
VCSU Prairie Waters
June 19-21
Ages Entering 5 & 6 Grades
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