February Newsletter
Next Meeting…Wednesday, February 12th…Valley City Eagles Club…
Free burgers for paid members at 6 PM …The meeting will be at 7pm…
Welcome all renewals and new members!
Our benefits include our club newsletter, free burgers at most meetings, and a subscription to North Dakota Outdoors Magazine.
If you have not renewed your membership yet or you would like to sign up you can download a form to send in from our website , by talking to a club officer, or stopping at L&H Shoe Shop.
BCW Predator Hunt- The BCW Predator hunt will be on February 6th, Poster attached to email
Pheasant Tail Contest- There was 20 entries this year. First Place went to Perry Kapaun, 24 ½, Second Wayne Liebersbach 24, Third Josh Liebersbach 23 5/16.
Hunter’s Ed Class – Tentatively looking at having a class starting end of February.
Big Spender Banquet– The banquet and raffle will be April 10th, very few tickets are left.
ANS Wash Station- The Game and Fish is looking at putting in a ANS wash station by Lake Ashtabula. Possible locations are Getchell Township Hall or by Sibley.
Summer Derby- The summer derby will be June 12th and 13th. Applications will be mailed out late February.
3D Shoot- James River Sportsman will have another archery 3D fun shoot in Verona this year February 13th – 14th. Poster is attached.
Delta Banquet- The banquet is 5pm to 10 pm on February 27th at the Eagles. The meal will be at 6:30 pm. More details on the poster.
Gas & Grocery Raffle Winners-
1st $300.00 Brothers III and Dakota Plains Chey Spitzer
2nd $200 Petro Serve Woddy Wendt
3rd $100 Caseys Chris Lunde
4th $100 Valley Meat Mel Berger
5th $100 Valley Meat Grant Young
Sheyenne Valley Calling Contest-
1st – Keith Hample, Rob and Egene Sandness 5 coyotes
2nd – Lee Slykerman and Russ Young, 3 coyotes
3rd -Talon Larson and Brandon Larson, 2 coyotes
4th – Gary and Theresa Will, 2 coyotes
5th – Jarod Miedema, Tatom Brant,Dillon Carpenter, 2 coyotes
6th – Ron Paul,Jim Potts, 1 coyote
7th – Anthony Fontana, Tim Jallen, Luke Anderson, 1 coyote
Big Dog- Jim Potts 34.6 lbs
Little Dog- Anthony Fontana 21.6 lbs
Sheyenne Valley Calling Contest Raffle Winners-
1. Weatherby Vangaurd 22-250 Dillion Formo
2. Savage Axis XP Stainless 6.5 Creed Marg Janke
3. Savage Axis XP Stainless 6.5 Creed Kyle Froemke
4. Savage Axis Stainless 223 Devin Roers
5. Savage Axis Stainless 7mm-08 Mike Janke
6. Ruger Predator 22-250 Ashley Syverson
7. Ruger American 308 Dave Zoeller
8. Remington 783 243 Ron Paul
9. Thompson Center 7mm Jolene Jewett
10.Mossberg Patriot 243 Steve Smith
11.Thompson Center 223 Loren Larson
12.Thompson Center 6.5 Creed Mark Pollert
13.Ruger Takedown Charger 10/22 Kayla Holm
14.Ruger Security Nine 9mm Randy Larson
15.Winchester Super XP 12ga. Toby Thielges
16.Browning Buckmark 22 Long Larry Hegvik
17.Savage Axis 223 Reide Jaacoski
18.Marlin xt-17VR 17 Arlene Holoman
19.Remington 770 Sportsman30/06 Duane Formo
20.Remington 770 300 mag Cody Bruse
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