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Lake Ashtabula Winter Derby

2025 January 21
by BCW

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday. 

We’d like to thank our sponsors that help make this event possible: Sodbusters, Brothers 3, Dakota Silver, Grandpa Don’s Seasonings, Scheels, Striker, and Okuma Fishing.    

Registration/ticket sales start at 9am and run until noon.  You are not allowed to drill any holes past noon without permission from a tournament official, so make sure to arrive in time to get setup before noon.  There are tickets for sale at Brothers 3 in Valley City. They will be available there until around 4 pm on Thursday.   

The fishing area is north of the bridge at Sibley.  You must setup within site of the bridge.  When setting up keep in mind that all fish must be walked to the weigh station.    The weigh station will be marked with orange cones and located straight out from the access. 

You will be able to drive out and setup.  Once you have setup please move your vehicle away from the channel area and park towards shore or spread vehicles along the flat to the east of the channel.  We have very good ice conditions, but still need to spread the weight out.

Keep an eye on Barnes County Wildlife’s Facebook page for updates. 

We will try to stay up to date on the top 3 for each category of fish and let everyone know when the rods have been handed out to the first 5 kids 12 and under that bring fish in.

Rules are on the back of the tickets and online.

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