February Newsletter
Next Meeting …Wednesday, February 12th…Eagles Club
Free burgers for paid members at 6 PM …The meeting will be at 7pm…
Welcome all renewals and new members!
Our benefits include our club newsletter, free burgers at most meetings, and a subscription to North Dakota Outdoors Magazine.
If you have not renewed your membership yet or you would like to sign up you can download a form to send in from our website , by talking to a club officer, or stopping at L&H Shoe Shop.
Membership Drive & Landowner Appreciation Supper- The membership drive and Landowner Appreciation Supper was January 8th. We had a great turnout.
BCW Winter Derby- The event took place on 1/25. We had a pretty good turnout considering the wind. Results and winners on the following page.
Pheasant Tail Contest – The pheasant tail contest took place before the January Meeting. We had a tie for first place with Tim Logan and Wayne Liebersbach bringing in 25 1/4 inch tails. Third place went to Levi Robertsdahl with a 24 1/4 inch tail.
Sheyenne Valley Calling & Raffle Contest – We had a record number or teams and hunters, 24 teams made up of 50 hunters. Results on the following page.
BCW Predator Hunt- The hunt was 2/1. There was 18 teams and 37 hunters. Results on the following page.
Big Spenders Raffle Tickets- Tickets are available, but going fast! Contact Perry if you would like to purchase one. There are very few left.
Fingal Fun Night- Fingal Fun Night will be February 7th and starts at 7pm.
BCW Summer Derby- Summer Derby will be available online February 3rd at 7pm. If you’d like a paper application text Josh your name and address 701-840-5269.
Hunter’s Ed- There will be a class starting on March 10th. The G&F will post the class to their website around February 10th.
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